캐나다/캐나다 현지 생활정보

캐나다 국경일, 공휴일 정리 - 캐나다 전지역 & 각 주별 공휴일

닉쑤 2011. 1. 4. 05:56
새해가 밝았습니다. 아직도 긴 연휴에서 못 헤어나고 헤롱헤롱 하다가... 비몽사몽 포스팅 하나 해봅니다. ㅎ 원래는 다른 주제에 관해서 쓸려다가, 이 주제를 먼저 안 알아볼 수가 없더군요~ 누구나 궁금해 하는 '올해 쉬는날은 언제, 얼마나인가'이죠. ㅋㅋ 

하지만 캐나다의 공휴일을 알아보다 한가지 아쉬운점 혹은 반가운 점은.. .한국에서는 공휴일이 특정 날짜로 쉬지만 캐나다는 몇번째 주 무슨 요일 식으로 상대적으로 공휴일을 정하는지라... 설레임이 없는거(?) 같기도하고... 음력 계산하지 않아서 좋네요. ㅎ

*아래 모든 자료는 위키피디아에서 가져왔습니다. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_holidays

캐나다 공휴일(나라 전체)

Nationwide statutory holidays in Canada

DateEnglish NameFrench NameRemarks
January 1 New Year's Day
Jour de l'An Celebrates the first day of every year in the Gregorian calendar.
Friday before EasterDay Good Friday
(성 금요일)
Vendredi saint Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus.

In Quebec, employers must give either Good Friday or Easter Monday as a statutory holiday.

July 1 Canada Day
(건국 기념일)
La fête du Canada Celebrates Canada's 1867 Confederation and establishment of dominion status.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, observed as Memorial Day.

First Monday in September Labour Day
La fête du travail Celebrates economic and social achievements of workers.
December 25 Christmas Day
Noël Celebrates the birth of Jesus.

statutory holiday (also known as "general" or "public" holiday) in Canada is legislated either through the federal, or a provincial or territorial government.[1] Most workers, public and private, are entitled to take the day off with regular pay. However, some employers may require employees to work on such a holiday, but the employee must either receive a day off in lieu of the holiday or must be paid at a premium rate — usually 1½ (known as "time and a half") or twice (known as "double time") the regular pay for their time worked that day, in addition to the holiday pay[citation needed] (except for high technology workers in British Columbia).[2] In most provinces, when a statutory holiday falls on a normal day off (generally a weekend), the following work day is considered a statutory holiday. Statistics Canada shows an average of 11 paid statutory holidays per year in regard to all firms and corporations operating within the province.

*위 빨간색 부분이 공휴일 페이에 관한 부분입니다. 캐나다에서는 국경일, 주별 공휴일 등의 특별한 공휴일에는 일을 안해도 평균 급여를 받을 수 있습니다. 너무 멋져요. ㅜㅜ 그리고 혹시나 이날에 일을 하게 된다면 1.5배 급여를 받구요. 물론 국경일 페이를 포함해서 말이죠. 다른사람들 쉬는날 일하는거 싫은 만큼 잘 챙겨주는거 같아요. 이러날 일하면 페이가 더블인 느낌! ㅋ (시급으로 봉급 계산하는 직업 기준입니다. 샐러리는 계약에 따라 다른듯)

캐나다 각 주별 공휴일


British Columbia


New Brunswick

  •  New Brunswick - New Year's Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.[9]

Although prescribed as public holidays, Victoria Day, Thanksgiving, and Boxing Day are not paid public holidays.[10]

Newfoundland and Labrador

Unlike most other provinces, there is no province-wide holiday on the first Monday in August. It may be seen as redundant due to the Royal St. John's Regatta, which is observed as a civic holiday in St. John's on the first Wednesday in August (or, in case of poor weather, the next suitable day thereafter). Harbour Grace has a similar holiday for its regatta in late July. All other municipalities are entitled to designate one day a year as a civic holiday, however many do not take advantage of this.

Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia

  •  Nova Scotia - 5 nationwide holidays plus Remembrance Day. Victoria Day, Thanksgiving, and Boxing Day are not statutory holidays.
  • Most statutory holidays can be substituted for a mutually agreeable alternative paid day off in lieu, or employers can require employees to work at a premium rate of pay. Several types of employment, including workplaces covered by a collective agreement, are exempt from provincial rules governing statutory holidays.[12][13]
    • Remembrance Day - This holiday is governed separately from all other public holidays in Nova Scotia. It is illegal for any person to offer any goods or real property for sale on this date, or to accept or offer employment in exchange for gain or reward. There are special exemptions for workers who are employed in certain categories, but an alternative day off with pay must be offered in lieu.[14]
    • Natal Day - first Monday in August; not a statutory holiday but a common day off.



  •  Ontario - 5 nationwide and 4 provincial statutory holidays plus one common municipal holiday.
    • Family Day - third Monday in February.
    • Victoria Day
    • August Civic Public Holiday - first Monday in August. This is not a Paid Public (Stat) Holiday [1] and as such provincially regulated employers are not required to treat this as a holiday.
    • Thanksgiving
    • Remembrance Day - This is also not a Paid Public (Stat) Holiday [2] and as such provincially regulated employers are not required to treat this as a holiday.
    • Boxing Day

Prince Edward Island


  •  Quebec - 5 nationwide and 3 provincial statutory holidays. Remembrance Day and Boxing Day are not statutory holidays, and there is no Civic Holiday in August. Many of the specific details of employment law are quite different in Quebec.

Saskatchewan  사스카츄완 주, 제가 사는곳

  •  Saskatchewan - 5 nationwide and 5 provincial statutory holidays.
    • Family Day - third Monday in February
    • Victoria Day - Monday on or before May 24
    • Saskatchewan Day - first Monday in August. Celebration of Saskatchewan history and culture similar to Canada Day.
    • Thanksgiving  - Second Monday in October
    • Remembrance Day - November 11


새해 첫날, 크리스마스 등 특별히 날짜가 정해져 있지 않은 공휴일은 거의 대부분 공휴일이 '무슨달의 몇번째 월요일' 식입니다. 그래서 날짜가 정해져 있는 한국의 '광복절'등의 국경일처럼 올해는 일요일과 겹치는지 안 겹치는지 고민해볼 필요가 거의 없는거 같습니다. 그리고 대부분 공휴일이 주말 앞뒤로 배치되어 있어서 주말을 끼운 긴 연휴를 만들어 주는 느낌이네요. 참 바람직합니다. ㅎ

한국에서처럼 오늘은 얼마나 쉴까? 일요일고 안 겹쳐야 하는데.. 하는 고민은 없지만, 그 때문에 설레임이 줄기도 하네요.ㅎ 뻔하니까;; 그래도 공휴일에 일 안하는데에도 일정 급여를 받을 수 있다는건 참 좋은거 같습니다. 예전에 워킹홀리데이 할 때 우연찮게 공휴일마다 일하게 되서, 그 때마다 페이가 두둑했던 기억이 나는군요. ㅎ 댓글은 큰 힘이 되는거 잊지 마시구요. 그 외에 닉쑤를 응원하는 방법은 블로그 메뉴의 '화이팅'를 참고해주세요.  좋은 하루 되세요~